Why I am running for Whitsunday Regional Council
My reason for running for Council is that I would like to change many things; mainly to give fair representation across the whole of the Whitsunday Council area and to listen to people and to implement their will where possible.
My vision for the future is not impossible but I know it will take a lot of hard work. I have survived 38 years as a paraplegic when I was given just ten.
I have been able by hard work and determination, with my family, to not only achieves my goals but to go over and above the expectations I put on myself.
Because of my disability, I have had to work harder and in many cases overcome prejudice and discrimination, but it has all been worth it.
Because of my sport, I have been able to travel all round the world, something I probably would not otherwise have done. Travel adds an insight that we live in a wonderful part of the World. Let’s make it well governed as well.
I want the best for our citizens; I want to work for you.
Give me a chance.
Sincerely, Alan Dufty
Alan Dufty for Whitsunday Regional Council Division 2 -